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 Zack: Let the monster rise

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3 participantes

Mensagens : 214
Data de inscrição : 01/02/2011
Idade : 35
Localização : Lisboa

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Zack: Let the monster rise Empty
MensagemAssunto: Zack: Let the monster rise   Zack: Let the monster rise Icon_minitimeQua Fev 09, 2011 4:19 pm

Zack: Let The Monster Rise

Well remember those zombies’ stories with Zack? Nothing more than a dream. This is the true story about him. So..let’s begin…

Zack, 21 years old, medium stature, dark brown hair, short by the shoulders, it goes smooth backwards and ends a lil’ spiky. He was nothing more than a normal boy. But we will learn more about him in the next lines.

Lying on his bed, looking to the ceiling, listening an instrumental song. He was sad that day, most of you will just say: “ah move on boy”. But when the girl of your life, or boy, slips through your hand, when you had everything that said “you will marry this girl no matter what, no matter who comes, nothing”. But then…she begins a new life. Meets new friends and for some reason, Zack, that was a perfect boy for her, transforms into a childish person. And she breaks up with him. But that was not all, days after she meets a boy that takes advantage of her weak state of mind and they make out. After that she hides from him. Note that before she broke up with him, that she was only asking for some time to adapt to her new life and she did love him always. But..yeah, all lies. She hides everything from him, he discovers almost randomly and his world comes down. Then tries to fight for her but she still continues to hide that she likes the other guy. Oh well you can see the picture.
So…we came to this day, where he stop to forgive everything and sent her an email saying everything on his heart. But now..he is just lost. Everything was getting just perfect. His professional career was building up alongside with school. Family stuff was finally rising up, found new friends and life was getting perfect. Yeah right.

Well, there he was, nothing to do. Didn’t want to think or else, would end up thinking in her. And it was Saturday night. Perhaps a lil’ walk in the neighborhood. And there he goes, says “cya later” to his parents and off to the walk. Was a calm night, almost no one in the street, puts some music playing on his mp3 and calmly walks towards a garden near the river he had near his house.

2 hours later, it was near midnight and a cold wind comes. He trembles and tries to get some body heat by putting his body in a shape of a ball, while sited near water. Well things were pretty smooth until now, he smiles a bit and remember many episodes of his life. Ironically the song that starts on his mp3 is “Final Episode (Let’s change the channel)” from Asking Alexandria. Good song to fire up a lil’ bit. He rises up and starts walking home.
Well, everything could go well this night if it weren’t for some thieves around the corner that quickly surround Zacky boy and ask for his money and almost everything.
Thief: Come on kid let’s do this quick and give us everything you have.
Zack: Oh I’ll be damned. Sorry guys I don’t have nothing.
Thief: Yeah right. –points him a knife- Are you sure about that?
Zack: H-hey come on let’s not be…
Quickly one grabs him by his back and another one starts searching for his stuff.
Thief: Oh you’re lying. Bad boy.
Zack: OH come on, leave me. I had enough this week…

Zack lowers his head and starts crying. What could possibly go wrong after this? The answer comes quickly. He is punched on his stomach and then his face, falling to the ground.
Thief: Just to remember you that you didn’t saw us.
Anger starts growing on Zack’s body and a dark aura circles around his body. The thieves didn’t saw since they were far away now.
Zack: I had…just enough…of…abusing…ME!!!!!!!!!
Zack gets up and explodes his aura that hits the thieves group making them fall. They were surprised but quickly they get on their feet and run back to Zack…to encounter a young man…with a grey hair, short, spiked towards the back and a deep, dark and smooth voice.
Zack: Come…
The thieves didn’t know what happened, but they ran towards him with their weapons ready. But quickly Zack dispatched them by saying a few words in a unknown language that created a vortex in front of him and releasing millions of black roses the trespassed the enemies in seconds.
Then Zack just passes out and falls on his knees. Waking up on his bed, he rubbed his head, thinking how weird was that dream. But then he saw a black rose petal on the ground. He couldn’t believe that was just a coincidence. He shacked his head and went for lunch.
On the news, he could see that some thieves were killed but black roses sharper than a blade. He spitted out the water he was drinking and shivers ran through his body. His parents asked if everything was alright and he simply nodded with a fake smile.
Minutes later he goes to his room and sees more petals around the room floor. He was terrified. Could have been him doing that? But how he couldn’t rememb---- the dream! Of course, that wasn’t a dream at all. He really killed those men. Looks down and sees he has his pajamas on. But he doesn’t remember to put it on. He goes to his closet, opens….and sees a strange outfit right in front of him. Takes out and sees that resembles an outfit he saw in a movie. But different. He puts it on and fits him well and Zack feels different…he wants to bring justice. But with his own means. Even it means killing.
Then his stomach starts to hurt a lot and also his back. He gets on his knees groaning in pain, he was feeling like something wanted to come out of him.
Zack: F-fuuuuck. The pain. AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!!!!!
Zack explodes again and a dark aura is again around him but now he was…complete. He could feel it. Looking back he could see a lonely dark blue wing on his left. He looked on the mirror and his eyes were grey like his hair. On his wrist were mounted blades, which, with a movement they would pop out. He looked again into the mirror and smiled.
But suddenly some men broke into his house and grabbed him and knocking him out. His parents did nothing. Why?
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Mensagens : 213
Data de inscrição : 01/02/2011
Idade : 36
Localização : Nas profundezas do meu quarto <.<

Ficha da personagem
Classe: Noviça
Raça: Feiticeira

Zack: Let the monster rise Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Zack: Let the monster rise   Zack: Let the monster rise Icon_minitimeQua Fev 09, 2011 4:53 pm

como já disse: AWESOMEEE!!!! i want more :c
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Mensagens : 19
Data de inscrição : 10/03/2011
Idade : 32
Localização : Ajuda, Lisboa

Zack: Let the monster rise Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Zack: Let the monster rise   Zack: Let the monster rise Icon_minitimeQui Mar 10, 2011 4:24 pm

GOD!!! o_o QUERO MAIS!!!! está brutal!!! *w* ADOREI!!!! *W*
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MensagemAssunto: Re: Zack: Let the monster rise   Zack: Let the monster rise Icon_minitime

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