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 Zack Galagher

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Mensagens : 214
Data de inscrição : 01/02/2011
Idade : 35
Localização : Lisboa

Ficha da personagem

Zack Galagher Empty
MensagemAssunto: Zack Galagher   Zack Galagher Icon_minitimeSáb Out 15, 2011 6:41 am

Nome: Zack Galagher

Idade: 22

Classe: Way of the Shadow

Raça: Humano


Personalidade: Zack is cocky and plays like he is extremely self confident. He’s more interested in the chase of a person –romantically or as target- then the person themselves. He cares for his family but is mostly out for number one. He’s out for revenge and if that means he has to neglect his family and friends? Fine he’ll do it, he’ll make it up to them when he’s done with his revenge.
Local de nascimento: Florence, Italy

- Double strike (Ataca duas vezes no mesmo turno; ATT é cortado a metade no segundo ataque; usa 5 mana)
- Hide (Evasão sobe para 100%; próximo ataque do adversário não acerta; só pode ser usado uma vez; usa mana toda)

- Side Step (Evasão aumenta 10%; habilidade passiva)

Nível: 1

EXP: 0


Atributos Iniciais (podem ser mudados, mas nao podem ultrapassar os 20):

HP: 6 (30 HP)
ATT: 6
DEF: 8
MAG: 0 (0 MANA)


- 2 x adagas
- Roupa básica
- 5 poções de cura
- 2 poções de mana

Dinheiro: 1000G


- Outras informações -

História: Zack was born in Florence. For his teenaged life (up to 17) he lived as a member of the Florentine nobles. He was very comfortable in that life style as he trained to take on the family banking trade from his father. He had no idea of his father’s membership in the assassin order until after his father and brothers arrest and execution.

He took his mother and younger sister to his uncle’s villa shortly after the execution. From there he had planed on taking them all out of Italy completely, but Mario convinced him to stay and become an Assassin. From there he began his quest to kill the men responsible for his father and brothers deaths.
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Mensagens : 214
Data de inscrição : 01/02/2011
Idade : 35
Localização : Lisboa

Ficha da personagem

Zack Galagher Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: Zack Galagher   Zack Galagher Icon_minitimeSáb Out 15, 2011 7:29 am

HP e MANA actualizados.
Habilidades dadas.
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Zack Galagher
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» Zack: Let the monster rise

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