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 As frases da skyzZinha

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4 participantes

Mensagens : 213
Data de inscrição : 01/02/2011
Idade : 36
Localização : Nas profundezas do meu quarto <.<

Ficha da personagem
Classe: Noviça
Raça: Feiticeira

As frases da skyzZinha Empty
MensagemAssunto: As frases da skyzZinha   As frases da skyzZinha Icon_minitimeQua Fev 23, 2011 8:00 am

Vou colocar aqui algumas frases que eu gostei mais. Uma escritas por mim [the crappy ones] e outras escritas por outras pessoas que sigo no twitter.

-» You and your hand do such a wonderful job. What do you need me for?!
-» Dói mais ver as pessoas que mais gostamos tristes do que nós próprios. I see no logic here.
-» Wings are a symbol of freedom for those who cannot fly.
-» I wish I'd never met you.
-» E que tal darmos valor ao que temos? I see some logic here.
-» You wish you could make me feel sad. Sorry, you're not there yet.
-» Do you really know what you're doing? I have a feeling that you don't.
-» I wanna live in a place where you don't exist."
-» If you wanna be treated well, start doing the same, You won't regret it.
-» When we realize what we did to the ones we hurt our pain is way worse than back then. And all we can do now is say I'm sorry. [Too Bad]
-» Love, Respect, Friendship, Trust, Connection. All vanished in weeks... days... Amazing how people destroy this like they change clothes.
-» "Mommy, when do I know if I'm already a grown up?" "Easy, that's when you know how to separate the easy choices from the right ones."
-» If you say you'd die for someone, make sure you want to keep that promise.
-» Oh did that hurt your feelings? I'm really sorry, it was meant for you to cry.

-» "Nothing against Justin Bieber, but Im not sure if a 16 year old pop singer deserves a full biography film made about him."
-» "A kiss is a trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous."
-» "Li que fumar fazia mal, farei de fumar. Li que beber fazia mal, parei de beber. Li que fazer sexo fazia mal, parei de ler."
-» "No one deserves your tears and whoever deserves it will not make you cry!"
-» "Why don't you cry me a river & go DROWN in it."
-» "If your Ass was a facebook status, I'd like it! Wink"
-» "Whoever started that RIP Justin Bieber rumor is sick! It's not nice to get people's hopes up like that."
-» "I had a wet dream about you last night .... I dreamed you got hit by a buss and pissed myself laughing."
-» "What is 6.9? A good thing ruined by a period."
-» "I don't hate you, I just hate your dad for buying that cheap condom."
-» "When people realize it's lonely being alone, they become kind."
-» "Fool me once: shame on you. Fool me twice: shame on me."
-» "Sorry, I am not a toilet. Please stop feeding me your shit."
-» "Roses are red. Violets are blue! Faces like yours belong in the zoo. Don't be mad I'll be there too...not in the cage, but laughing at you."
-» "When I kill a bug, I never clean it up. I leave it's body there so the other bugs know not to mess with me."
-» "They say when you dream of somebody, that means they went to bed thinking about you... I knew Megan Fox cared about me."
-» "That awkward moment when the GPS tells a gay person to go straight."
-» "Love me? Great. Hate me? Even better. Think I'm ugly? Don't look at me. Don't know me? Don't judge me. Think you know me? You have no idea."
-» "If you're single, make the best of it. It's not because you're not good enough for anyone, it means no one is good enough for you."
-» "I wish I could kill the sexiest person alive but suicide is a crime!"
-» "I'd rather be myself and be a complete loser rather than pretend to be someone I'm not in order to impress people I don't even care about."
-» "Another name for old people is 'coffin dodger'"
-» "Grudges are a waste of perfect happiness. Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can't change."
-» I'm proud of my heart. It's been played, stabbed, cheated, burned and broken, but somehow it still works.
-» "Dear boys, Your dick is not Pinocchio's nose; it doesn't get bigger everytime you lie."
-» "Don't like me? Have a seat with the rest of those haters, waiting for me to give a fuck."
-» "You're just another page in my story but I keep turning back to it. So it's time that I rip the page out of my book."
-» "Four Main Reasons A Girl Will Stop TEXTING YOU: 1 You Got Her Mad 2 You Got Boring 3 She Fell Asleep 4 You Said The Letter ''K''."
-» "❒ Single ❒ Taken ✔️ Too sexy that if you go out with just one person, everybody will get jealous & depressed therefore killing themselves."
-» "10% silly, 15% funny, 20% loveable, 5% clumsy, 25% awesome,&& 25% dorky. But 100% me!"
-» "Touch it gently, put two fingers inside, if it's wide use three fingers, make sure it's wet & rub up & down. Yep that's how you wash a cup"
-» "Wanted by MANY...Taken by NONE...Looking at SOME...Waiting for ONE..."
-» "I think im gonna take a hot shower. Its like a normal shower but with me in it."
-» "What pisses you off more, the fact that I said something insulting about you or the fact you know its true?"
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Mensagens : 16
Data de inscrição : 22/02/2011
Idade : 37
Localização : Funchal

As frases da skyzZinha Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: As frases da skyzZinha   As frases da skyzZinha Icon_minitimeQua Fev 23, 2011 12:11 pm

eu até vinha numa de ler... mas ao ver este autentico testamento... desisti Sad
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Mensagens : 213
Data de inscrição : 01/02/2011
Idade : 36
Localização : Nas profundezas do meu quarto <.<

Ficha da personagem
Classe: Noviça
Raça: Feiticeira

As frases da skyzZinha Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: As frases da skyzZinha   As frases da skyzZinha Icon_minitimeQua Fev 23, 2011 12:52 pm

ahah maior parte já conheces, são aquelas que aparecem no facebook
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Mensagens : 16
Data de inscrição : 22/02/2011
Idade : 37
Localização : Funchal

As frases da skyzZinha Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: As frases da skyzZinha   As frases da skyzZinha Icon_minitimeQua Fev 23, 2011 12:56 pm

poes frases no facebook ? Surprised , eu normalmente vejo é aparecer no facebook por intremédio do twitter.. lool
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Mensagens : 213
Data de inscrição : 01/02/2011
Idade : 36
Localização : Nas profundezas do meu quarto <.<

Ficha da personagem
Classe: Noviça
Raça: Feiticeira

As frases da skyzZinha Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: As frases da skyzZinha   As frases da skyzZinha Icon_minitimeQua Fev 23, 2011 1:23 pm

é a mesma coisa <.<
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Mensagens : 16
Data de inscrição : 22/02/2011
Idade : 37
Localização : Funchal

As frases da skyzZinha Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: As frases da skyzZinha   As frases da skyzZinha Icon_minitimeQua Fev 23, 2011 1:49 pm

não gosto do twitter mas prontos :p
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Gettin' There
Gettin' There

Mensagens : 158
Data de inscrição : 08/02/2011

As frases da skyzZinha Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: As frases da skyzZinha   As frases da skyzZinha Icon_minitimeQua Fev 23, 2011 5:40 pm

I loled. Tudo coisas que já venho a esperar de ti, especialmente as muito pervs.
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Mensagens : 43
Data de inscrição : 02/02/2011
Idade : 31
Localização : Lisboa

Ficha da personagem

As frases da skyzZinha Empty
MensagemAssunto: Re: As frases da skyzZinha   As frases da skyzZinha Icon_minitimeSeg Mar 14, 2011 4:00 pm

ahahaha awesome!! lembro-me de quase todos :3
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MensagemAssunto: Re: As frases da skyzZinha   As frases da skyzZinha Icon_minitime

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As frases da skyzZinha
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