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     Red Dead Redemption - Xbox360 PS3

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    3 participantes
    Gettin' There
    Gettin' There

    Mensagens : 158
    Data de inscrição : 08/02/2011

    Red Dead Redemption - Xbox360 PS3 Empty
    MensagemAssunto: Red Dead Redemption - Xbox360 PS3   Red Dead Redemption - Xbox360 PS3 Icon_minitimeQua Fev 09, 2011 3:29 pm

    Red Dead Redemption

    Red Dead Redemption - Xbox360 PS3 Red_Dead_Redemption

    Género: Acção/Aventura, Sandbox

    Descrição: É um western ao estilo GTA, John Marston ex-membro de um gang de bandidos vê-se forçado a abandonar a sua vida pacata coma sua familia para colaborar com a lei para trazer justiça aos seus ex-colegas que o atraiçoaram. Entre mentiras e entrigas John Marston terá de vaguear as planicies e as montanhas para capturar toda a espécie de foras da lei e até mesmo ajudar com uma revolução.


    Opinião Pessoal:
    Okay o que se segue é uma review do jogo que eu fiz na altura em que o jogo saiu, como isto se destinava a um forum internacional isto claro está em inglês uma tradução será fornecida assim que possivel. Para quem não quiser ler fique então a saber que a minha opnião do jogo é boa.

    Today I'll be reviewing Red Dead Redemption.

    So what can be said about Red Dead Redemption? It's good, it's pretty darn good actually. I even resent people calling it Grand Theft Horse because it's pretty good in it's own right dispite the similarities to Rockstar's other series, it's better than GTA IV minus the expansion of course.

    The game is pretty well crafted, the graphics are good for the most part a bug might pop up here and there but nothing game breaking, i heard this is not the case for the early PS3 version where the glitches range from bizarre to downright hilarious. It feels and plays like an old western and that's just fine by me and for those who enjoy the old grainy look on their western the game allows a cheat code that changes the screen to a sepia tone, a nice touch i think.

    There are a lot of cowboy related activities in the game and all of them suprisingly entertaining even chasing cattle can be a good way to spend some time during gameplay, other than that there are ther mini games such as poker at the saloon, horseshoe throwing and even that knife game where you try to stab between the fingers without cutting them off.
    Other activities include hunting, breaking stallions, capturing bandits or even robing banks.

    The game mechanics are very similar to how GTA works and even riding a horse despite looking tricky at first quickly gets easy. Another gameplay aspect worth noting is the autotargeting system, this makes the game very easy since it makes it simple to headshot everything that gets in your way, simply aim, tilt the analog stick up a bit and shoot. This combined with the large amount of ammo you can carry makes you nearly invencible to waves of enemies even if you stand in place the whole fight. Some people say this makes the game way to easy, i say that if the game didn't have this it would be way too hard, it's just too difficult to manually aim with analog sticks.

    Unlike previous games of this genre once you fail a mission you're given the oportunity to retry it from the last checkpoint from that mission, this also makes it easier and less likely you'll give up on it seeing it saves you the time of having to accept the mission again.

    In this game you are also given moral choices where you can make your character a nice guy by running errands for the random strangers or be a total jackass and go rob a bank instead. Each of these actions will grant you good or bad Karma in the form of honor points. If you decide to empty your riffle magazine on the locals like some humanoid typhoon (+rep for who gets this reference) or take liberties with others belongings will add to your bounty and of course attract the undisired attention of the law.

    This however brings me to a bad point of the game.

    Personally i always play my first playthrough of these games as a good guy, that's just me. But in this game even if you decid to play as a complete bastard the game story wont change, you'll still do the same missions and hear the same dialogue and let me tell you it's a bit disapointing how this was made.

    John Marston is our main character and believe me you'll only hear his name through the game being said about 8 milion times, he introduces himself to everyone he meets and he really likes to talk. In the first ten minutes of the game you'll feel like you know more about him than you would actually want at the time.
    Character exposition is a good thing in most games, god knows how FFXIII could have used a bit of that but anyway, in this game it would have worked better the other way around, kind of like they did back in GTA III where we have the silent mysterious lead role who kept it to himself. Another bad aspect about John Marston is that he takes a lot of crap from a LOT of people, i know the game is based on mission from various people but some are just crazy and even if your moral compass is set on good you'll still have to do terrible things like a certain mission for a certain warlord and even if you're a grade A asshole you'll get suck with some missions that really shouldn't interest you.
    Deep down John Marston is all talk, i would have liked a lot better a main character that acted more stoic and actually did something after getting bossed around instead of getting all bitchy and simply saying something like "if you tell me what to do again i'll get ever so mad!"

    Anyway if you look past this the game can be pretty awsome and a good buy.

    I rate it a 8/10.
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    Mensagens : 43
    Data de inscrição : 02/02/2011
    Idade : 31
    Localização : Lisboa

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    Red Dead Redemption - Xbox360 PS3 Empty
    MensagemAssunto: Re: Red Dead Redemption - Xbox360 PS3   Red Dead Redemption - Xbox360 PS3 Icon_minitimeQui Fev 10, 2011 7:04 am

    Epá nunca joguei ao jogo mas o jogo parece ser brutal, claro vindo da rockstar excelente jogo é de certeza xD
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    Mensagens : 214
    Data de inscrição : 01/02/2011
    Idade : 35
    Localização : Lisboa

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    Red Dead Redemption - Xbox360 PS3 Empty
    MensagemAssunto: Re: Red Dead Redemption - Xbox360 PS3   Red Dead Redemption - Xbox360 PS3 Icon_minitimeSex Fev 11, 2011 5:40 am

    Também tenho alguem interesse em jogar visto que old western stuff agrada-me. Mas Até ter uma consola pa jogar..that's a different story. Mas o jogo parece-me bomzito para aquelas horas de coçar a micose
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    Gettin' There
    Gettin' There

    Mensagens : 158
    Data de inscrição : 08/02/2011

    Red Dead Redemption - Xbox360 PS3 Empty
    MensagemAssunto: Re: Red Dead Redemption - Xbox360 PS3   Red Dead Redemption - Xbox360 PS3 Icon_minitimeSex Fev 11, 2011 12:00 pm

    Tenho de ver se me dá na cabeça de experimentar a expanção Undead Nightmare. Cowboys vs Zombies, não fica muito mais épico que isto.
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    Red Dead Redemption - Xbox360 PS3 Empty
    MensagemAssunto: Re: Red Dead Redemption - Xbox360 PS3   Red Dead Redemption - Xbox360 PS3 Icon_minitime

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