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     Uncharted Waters Online

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    3 participantes

    Mensagens : 214
    Data de inscrição : 01/02/2011
    Idade : 35
    Localização : Lisboa

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    Uncharted Waters Online Empty
    MensagemAssunto: Uncharted Waters Online   Uncharted Waters Online Icon_minitimeSeg Out 31, 2011 9:08 am

    Citação :
    Uncharted Waters Online, referred to as Age of Discovery Online in Japan (Daikōkai Jidai Online), is a MMORPG developed by KOEI based on the Rekoeition Uncharted Waters series of games. Set in the Age of Exploration players act as adventurers, soldiers, or traders, and engage in combat, exploration, and trade within the game.

    Uncharted Waters Online Uncharted_Waters_Online_Cover

    Uncharted Waters Online is set within several timelines during the Age of Exploration as a romantic and historic fictional account of the era. Inconsistencies are found in the presence of Christopher Columbus and Elizabeth I of England as well as in some quests. However despite some of these timeline inaccuracies the game offers educational content in the form of exploration of geography and culture. Players can discover quests with historical value such as learning about the economic decline of Venice, or the rise of England as a naval power.

    As an online game it offers Player vs Player combat areas and factional warfare as well as socialization in the form of in-game chat and card games.

    Uncharted Waters Online features a variety of gameplay. The game can be divided into sea-based areas, land-based areas, and towns. Like most MMORPGs characters gain experience in skills and levels.

    The player may choose from among 6 nationalities: England, Dutch Republic, Ancien Régime in France, Spanish Empire, Kingdom of Portugal, Republic of Venice. As well the player may choose from several "occupations" after choosing a basic class: adventurer, merchant, and soldier. However players can learn and upgrade skills from other classes, albeit needing more experience points. Under certain conditions a player may change their class, occupation, and nationality. Players are able to trade, explore, battle and join in live events such as "Great Sea Fights".


    Portugal is a mercantile nation that prospers by trade from profits of the land facing the Atlantic Ocean. They quickly rode the advances of navigation, and were the first to round the Cape of Good Hope. Recently, after returning from the discovery of the Indian route, and fiercely compete with their neighbor, Spain.
    Alvero Sarmiento (17) - A trader plying the marketplaces near Portugal. He is a leader among boys his age, and his smile endears himself towards people.
    Diego Sarmiento (42) - The head of the Sarmiento Company, a major company representing Portugal.
    Juan (10) - A boy who accompanies Alvero on his journeys.
    Vasco da Gama (28) - Portuguese naval officer born to a noble house. He became a national hero by discovering the Indian route.
    Sanjai (18) - Indian spice trader.
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    Mensagens : 213
    Data de inscrição : 01/02/2011
    Idade : 36
    Localização : Nas profundezas do meu quarto <.<

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    Classe: Noviça
    Raça: Feiticeira

    Uncharted Waters Online Empty
    MensagemAssunto: Re: Uncharted Waters Online   Uncharted Waters Online Icon_minitimeSeg Out 31, 2011 1:00 pm

    i'm gonna play xD
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    Gettin' There
    Gettin' There

    Mensagens : 141
    Data de inscrição : 14/10/2011
    Idade : 38
    Localização : Naquele Local mesmo muito giro

    Uncharted Waters Online Empty
    MensagemAssunto: Re: Uncharted Waters Online   Uncharted Waters Online Icon_minitimeTer Nov 01, 2011 10:01 am

    Mais um MMO da Koei? vou ter que experimentar
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    Mensagens : 214
    Data de inscrição : 01/02/2011
    Idade : 35
    Localização : Lisboa

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    Uncharted Waters Online Empty
    MensagemAssunto: Re: Uncharted Waters Online   Uncharted Waters Online Icon_minitimeTer Nov 01, 2011 10:21 am

    Tens é de ter paciencia (não muita) para este jogo, não é tipo spam de missões. Fazes uma á vez. O que neste jogo faz sentido. Tirando isso a musica de combate maritima é awesome, navegar é brutal. Os barcos sao lindos.

    E ate agora não encontrei nada que me queixe.
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    Gettin' There
    Gettin' There

    Mensagens : 141
    Data de inscrição : 14/10/2011
    Idade : 38
    Localização : Naquele Local mesmo muito giro

    Uncharted Waters Online Empty
    MensagemAssunto: Re: Uncharted Waters Online   Uncharted Waters Online Icon_minitimeTer Nov 01, 2011 11:12 am

    mas já ta para download?
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    Mensagens : 214
    Data de inscrição : 01/02/2011
    Idade : 35
    Localização : Lisboa

    Ficha da personagem

    Uncharted Waters Online Empty
    MensagemAssunto: Re: Uncharted Waters Online   Uncharted Waters Online Icon_minitimeTer Nov 01, 2011 4:12 pm

    Já sim. Try it on.
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    Gettin' There
    Gettin' There

    Mensagens : 141
    Data de inscrição : 14/10/2011
    Idade : 38
    Localização : Naquele Local mesmo muito giro

    Uncharted Waters Online Empty
    MensagemAssunto: Re: Uncharted Waters Online   Uncharted Waters Online Icon_minitimeQua Nov 02, 2011 7:14 am

    Vou já experimentar le game
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    Conteúdo patrocinado

    Uncharted Waters Online Empty
    MensagemAssunto: Re: Uncharted Waters Online   Uncharted Waters Online Icon_minitime

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    Uncharted Waters Online
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